About Me

Beyond all else, JP OLSON credits the spiritual environment of her youth and adulthood as the propelling force in her life. J.P. OLSON is a woman of bold courage, born to and nurtured by God fearing Christian parents who fused into her life principles of decency, integrity, honesty and all the ingredients for a purposeful life and witness for Jesus Christ. This provides the confidence and Christian perspective she needs in dealing with concerns of today. Rather than choosing to be a spectator in the arena of life, she maintains the posture of participant. Her lifestyle when it comes to evangelism is “reaching out,” not “closing in.” “Don’t Sit But Serve.”
JP Olson is an ordained minister and Founder of Journey Into The Word Ministry: Because JP heeded God’s call on her life, she believes the Word of God is the daily nourishment to live a wholesome spiritual life. Based on this belief, in 2011, she launched and developed the weekly radio talk show, Journey Into the Word with JP Olson Christian Radio Broadcast on 106.7 FM & 1670 AM in Madison WI at Midwest Broadcasting.
JP’s early commitment in her life to Christ has placed her on a journey which has allowed her to use her God-bestowed gifts as a vocalist in coordinating and conducting gospel music workshops, speaking engagements, teaching, and preaching throughout the United States and internationally. Her international tours include Japan, Singapore, India, Australia; Germany; Italy; Africa, France, New Zealand; Aruba, Cayman, Canada, Israel, Haiti, Mexico, Bahamas, Bali, and the Netherlands - Antilles (Curacao). JP firmly believes that God uses people, who are willing vessels, not only to listen to the still small voice, but to follow its lead.
J.P. Olson has been called by God’s grace to be not only a vocalist in singing praises to God but to be a prophetic vessel to the nations. She has been responsible for releasing the Word of God in her ministry and broadcast for the past 10 years. Her ministry brings a strong emphasis towards the call and duty as an intercessor/prayer warrior and watchman on the wall. She has become a spiritual advisor for many young ministers national and international. She has ministered to women, also prophetically speaking into the lives of leadership, empowerment, encouraging the call to prayer, while releasing strategies in the regions where they have ministered. On her mission, JP has used her gifts to lift, inspire, cheer, and bring hope to all with whom she comes in contact. This action-oriented servant has been most successful in using the instrument of her voice to bring together a fragmented world in perfect harmony.
She is the founder of Holy Spirit Revival & Harvest, after praying for a word, JP heard as God placed upon her heart in 2010 to have a revival. Listening to God’s call she prayed, fasted, and asked God for a time, a name, and a place. She sent requests around the world asking friends and believers to pray twice a day at specific times until the appointed time of the revival. Holy Spirit Revival & Harvest was conceived by JP Olson and on Tuesday, September 6, 2011, a six-day revival was held in Baraboo, Wisconsin. There were twelve anointed speakers of God during the revival, replete with preaching & teaching the Word of Jesus Christ. Many accepted Christ as their personal Savior and were baptized through immersion in the water. She continued to host these tent revivals through August 2019.
JP share these words from the lyrics of “Through It All” by Andréa Crouch: “I thank God for my mountains. I thank Him for my valleys. I thank Him for all He’s brought me through; for if I never had a problem, I wouldn’t know that God could solve them. I wouldn’t know what faith in God can do. Through it all I’ve learn to trust in Jesus. I’ve learned to trust in GOD. Through it all I’ve learn to depend upon His Word.”
She considers her ministry as God’s fulfillment of a broader mission to increase her effectiveness in His vineyard. Her heart is tender towards forever covering Israel with prayer. Her life focus is to serve and lend strength towards kingdom advancement including global evangelism within and without the walls of the church to fulfill the assignments that pertain to those who are in need and reaching the un-churched.
After attending 1 year of study at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa Oklahoma, she decided to pursue a career in the music industry which led her to tour nationally and internationally. Although her voice has been recorded over and over in song, she uses it to maximum effectiveness in speaking and singing for the Lord, in counseling those who, by unfortunate circumstances have fallen by the way. J.P. holds a bachelor’s degree in the field & study of Psychology from the University of Memphis. She has been “on the battlefield” even before her studies led her being awarded a degree in Psychology and has seen those who have tried to substitute the trappings of an affluent society for food for the soul. She has listened to the rich and famous, the up-and-coming, the down-and-out, the moaners and groaners, the rejected, and others on the bottom rung of society’s ladder tell her “Where it hurts” most. These have touched her humanity, challenged her faith walk, all of which have become openings or occasions for a new vision. She reminds herself daily of the words of Jesus “… for I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink… (Matthew 25:35).
In Feb. 2020. J.P. Olson released her CD titled: Refreshed, Refined, Renewed, Revived. Songs of Exhortation & Worship. JP Olson has conducted workshops for the internationally acclaimed Grammy award winning group The Soweto Gospel Group of South Africa. In 2009, J.P. Olson released her new book "Voices Out of the Box" designed as a roadmap to guide you along the highway of proven & effective simple steps in preserving and protecting your voice the healthy way.
JP Olson is a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. She is involved in community organizations and supports such causes as homelessness, world hunger, and human trafficking. She is actively involved in Haiti, Africa & India where she is involved in several orphanages, speaks at crusades as well as work with battered women conducting conferences and seminars on empowerment, she is on the board of MURR International based out of Canada and Haiti, whose focus is to train the youth and future leaders of Haiti in modern technology and other skills. JP Olson is a woman on a mission.
When Paul wrote to the Ephesians he said that the purpose of the gifts was to equip the believers for the work of the ministry. The Gift of Evangelism Is to Teach Others How to Share the Faith ( Ephesians 4:11 -12). There Is a Special Gift of an Evangelist in JP Olson. All of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for the purpose of building up the church, the body of Christ. JP has a Heart to give The Church (us) the Word of God with scripture. At our meeting, people Realized through the Words spoken by JP, that God is real and that He cares about everything in their lives. One guy had his house on the market to sale for close to 9 months. He listened to JP, believed the words she spoke, that the Holy Spirit had given her. She shared with him that God had place on her heart that his house would sell very soon, to get ready. God pressed upon his heart to sow a seed and his house sold a week and a half later.She warned one Woman she was going into a Battle over her Family and she needed to turn it Completely over to God. Three days later the words came true. She informed JP and JP prayed with her and let her Know God Had This and Glory to God he’s taking care of it.
Wanda Parro: Monterey, TN.
I thought it would bless you to hear every minster at every service since you left has mentioned something you said when you preached at our service. God used you greatly!! William mentioned about God taking you through the storm to the place you were heading anyway, Kerry tonight talked about how you said if you need prayer come dow cause I love to pray! And they are still thanking me for brining you in. Praise God!
Brian Butcher: Columbia, TN.
A few weeks ago, I met JP Olson. She prayed for me on Thursday, she spoke at our bible study on Friday night and delivered an “on time” message from God on Saturday for our women’s group. I found her to be so refreshing, honest and true to the word of God. Through her, God reminded me who I am and whose I am. I was questioning where have I been? I was around the corner whispering to God thank you for meeting me here. Every now and then, you experience an encounter you did not expect. This was that moment. JP is a true warrior of God. She’s a woman of mighty faith, yet she’s still just a girl in the world. In 2011, Jamie Grace released a song titled “God Girl” The song delivers beautiful lyrics creating a happy, confident, never changing, never wavering, always searching, always believing, always receiving emboldened woman of faith. JP Olson- you are a “GOD GIRL”, you brought my song to life. Thank you for being obedient to the still small voice.
Angie Cook: West Columbia South Carolina
Refreshed-Refined-Renewed-Revived CD
Refreshed-Refined-Renewed-Revived CD
Songs of Exhortation & Worship.
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