Journey Into The Word 2025 Mission Goals. JITW Ministry supports local missions and missionaries all over the world; please return to our website to see how you can help give into one of the mission projects of Journey Into The Word. Be A Blessing To Someone Else.
India's Project:
Mission Goal: $300.00 monthly. $3600.00/yearly
JOSEPH CHUTTUGALLA: ORPHANAGE OVERSEER IN INDIA FOR VESSELS OF HOPE CHILDREN'S ORPHANAGE. As an outreach project for JITW Ministry, Donations and sponsorships are welcomed and accepted to help keep the orphanage open. With your assistance, we can provide shelter, water, clothing, school, and meals for the children & widows. In addition, the children attend regular church services and the teaching of God's Word in their studies. Joseph Spurgeon Chuttugalla is the overseer of the orphanage. Through gifts & donations into the ministry, the well has been upgraded for the water supply for food, drinking water, and bathing the young people. In addition, we have purchased farmland for gardening, goats, a chicken coop for eggs to feed the children, and food to sell in the marketplace to help sustain the orphanage and ministry in India.
Haiti's Project:
Mission Goal: $250.00 per monthly/$3000.00 yearly.
JITW is assisting one of the ministry students Jeanty Jean Mary in Haiti, who has started a school in Haiti for the children. We need your assistance in giving into this ministry to help complete the semester and provide meals for the children. Although most children have no food to eat, the school provides meals for the children. Jeanty is the Founder of the Academy of Hope. The Academy of Hope is a school whose mission is to help children from poor families attend an institution to ensure their future. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the Caribbean, where children receive no formal education if they cannot pay to attend school, from elementary to high school.
(Pictured below is Jeanty Jean with some of the children.)

The Mission Goal is $300.00 monthly. $3600/yearly
PASTOR VICTOR OSANYA: HOME OF FAITH INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY is in Dandora, Kenya, in the heart of Nairobi. Victor Osanya's ministry is under the auspice of Journey Into The Word Ministry. Through donations and supporters of the JITW Ministry, Victor Osanya's ministry could purchase the small building he was renting for his church; the building was paid for in full. Through the ministry support he has now acquired a lot to build a small home and facility for street school children without schooling and homes. We need donations to help build the home and facility for the street school kids. Victor has also been blessed through the ministry's supporters to broadcast from radio to reach the people in the hillsides and rural areas who have no Bibles or ministry in their regions. The villagers can now gather at someone's home in the area and listen to God's Word.
The Mission Goal is $250.00 monthly. $3000/yearly
PHILIPPINES: Through the help of faithful supporters such as you. JITW Ministry has assisted in Restoring families, and JITW Outreach Ministry helps young single mothers and children. Many of the children are on the streets, and some of the mothers are living a life of prostitution to survive; these women's lives have been transformed by God's Word and through the support of donations. Some of the women are now living everyday lives with their children through mentoring and manual work in
I appreciate your support, and if you are new to this ministry, consider sowing a seed into JITW Ministry as we continue to use our Harvest Hands for the Kingdom of God. It is because of financial sowers & supporters such as you we can continue to help others in need by sowing a seed and feeding the churched and unchurched with the Word of God, where everybody is somebody. God's Guidance Never Fails